5 Ways to Stay Sane While Working from Home This Summer

Working from home can be a challenge, especially during the summer when distractions are plenty and motivation might be low. But don't worry, we've got you covered with five tips to help you stay sane and productive while working from home this summer.

1. Create a Loose Outline for the Next Day

Planning your day doesn't have to be a chore. Before you call it a day, take a few minutes to create a very loose, quick outline of your work for the next day.

  1. Why It Helps: This helps you start your day with a clear plan, reducing the morning chaos and making you more productive. Knowing what to tackle first can save you time and stress.

  2. How to Do It: Jot down your top three priorities, any meetings, and a couple of smaller tasks. Keep it simple and flexible to accommodate any changes that might come up.

2. Balance Quick Tasks with Deep Work

For every two quick tasks, work on one project that takes up more brain space. This balance helps you maintain productivity without feeling overwhelmed.

  1. Use the Pomodoro Method: Consider using the Pomodoro technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. This method can help you stay focused and manage your time effectively.

  2. Why It Works: Quick tasks keep you moving, while deeper project work keeps you engaged and challenged. This mix prevents burnout and keeps your brain active.

3. Schedule Movement

Sitting all day can be draining. Schedule some movement in the middle of your day, even if it’s just 10 minutes of walking around your house, building, or neighborhood.

  1. Why It’s Important: Physical activity can boost your mood, improve focus, and reduce stress. It’s a great way to break up your day and come back to work refreshed.

  2. Ideas for Movement: Try a quick yoga session, a walk outside, or even some light stretching. Anything that gets you moving will help.

4. Flex Your Time If You Can

If your job allows it, try to flex your time. For instance, tackle meetings and projects during the day and save mindless tasks for the evening, but make sure to finish at least an hour before bed.

  1. Why Flexibility Helps: Flexing your time can help you manage energy levels better and fit work around your life, not the other way around. It also allows you to work when you’re most productive.

  2. Tips for Flexing Time: Communicate with your team about your schedule and ensure that key collaboration times are respected. Use evenings for less demanding tasks to wind down effectively.

5. Take Time Off Completely

Allow yourself to take time off. All the way off. No alerts, dings, beep beeps, or boop boops. Unplugging is essential for maintaining your sanity and well-being.

  1. Why It’s Crucial: Continuous work without breaks leads to burnout. Taking time off helps you recharge, making you more productive and happier in the long run.

  2. How to Unplug: Schedule your time off and stick to it. Turn off work notifications and set boundaries with your team about your availability. Enjoy your hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and truly relax.


Staying sane while working from home this summer is all about balance and self-care. By planning your day, balancing tasks, moving regularly, flexing your time, and taking complete breaks, you can maintain your productivity and well-being. Remember, it’s not just about getting the work done; it’s about enjoying the process and taking care of yourself along the way.

Let’s make this summer a productive and enjoyable one! If you have any tips that work for you, feel free to share them in the comments below. Let's help each other thrive in our home offices!


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